Wednesday, March 20, 2019

The Mac Hardware/Software Obsolescence Chart | Integrated Arts Media Labs | University of Calgary

The Mac Hardware/Software Obsolescence Chart | Integrated Arts Media Labs | University of Calgary: In trying to sort out what Mac hardware supported which operating systems and what new features, it became useful to create a chart to help visualize it. Since I didn't have a current copy of OmniGraffle handy at the time, I made a 1920×1080 slide in Keynote! That was 2012; I have regularly updated it since then.

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Rocketman-Tech/Jamf-Self-Healing: Re-enrolls a computer into Jamf if it has a Device Signature Error.

Rocketman-Tech/Jamf-Self-Healing: Re-enrolls a computer into Jamf if it has a Device Signature Error.