Friday, June 21, 2019

2015 MacBook Pro battery recall checker script – Sound Mac Guy

2015 MacBook Pro battery recall checker script – Sound Mac Guy: #!/bin/bash

# Check a list of serial numbers for eligibility in the 2015 MacBook Pro battery replacement recall
# Returns only eligible serial numbers
# The text file must be formatted with Unix (LF) line breaks
# Usage: /path/to/inputfile.txt
# To output directly to a CSV file: /path/to/inputfile.txt > /path/to/outputfile.csv
# Written by Neil Martin
# With thanks to Nick Tong for his original Jamf EA which gave me the inspiration for this script.
# 2019-06-21

# Edit the variable below to the filename of your text file containing a list of serial numbers to check

# Do not edit below this line
# Verify the file exists
if [[ ! -e "$file" ]]; then
echo "Serial number list file not found or specified"
echo "Ensure there are no spaces and that the path specified is correct"
echo "Script usage: ./ /path/to/file.txt"
exit 1
data=$(cat $file)

# Loop through the list and submit data to Apple
for serial in $data; do
guid=$(uuidgen | tr "[:upper:]" "[:lower:]")

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