Friday, June 22, 2012

Romney’s Former Bain Partner Makes a Case for Inequality -

Romney’s Former Bain Partner Makes a Case for Inequality -

1 comment:

Woodberri said...

An interesting & thought-provoking piece, Stephen. What confuses me about Conrad is that although he's clearly an intelligent, successful person, he is so out of touch with what an average person experiences. It's almost as if he's lost his humanity -- what a waste of a brilliant mind that's not attached to social consciousness. However, I shouldn't be too judgmental, because if I ever become giga-rich, I might unawaringly morph into the same type of person as well (scary thought). Capitalism is a great institution, but it has unfortunately morphed into a vehicle that is often mishandled or misused by a select few.

I hope all's well with you (I bet Draven is keeping you on the move). :) Take care, and I'll have to check out you blogs regularly & more frequently.

Pamela Woodberry

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